Popular, harmless dogs murdered in Perissa...
Unfortunately there has been another poisoning in Perissa of 2 dogs and unknown number of cats.As SAWA member Vincent Lagauche from nearby Perivolas describes, the dog in the photograph was poisoned in front of the "Question" cafe in Perissa. The other dog, which was adopted by the owners of Question, remains unfindable as he died far from there, and has been put in a trash, and taken by the trashmen to the main trash field in Fira.
These dogs were murdered.... Photos taken by SAWA neighbour who knew the dogs well
Unfortunately there has been another poisoning in Perissa of 2 dogs and unknown number of cats.As SAWA member Vincent Lagauche from nearby Perivolas describes, the dog in the photograph was poisoned in front of the "Question" cafe in Perissa. The other dog, which was adopted by the owners of Question, remains unfindable as he died far from there, and has been put in a trash, and taken by the trashmen to the main trash field in Fira.
These dogs were murdered.... Photos taken by SAWA neighbour who knew the dogs well